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garden spot
So Much More Than Plants
garden spot

Bulk Landscape Products at Art Knapp Surrey Garden Centre

Art Knapp's Garden Centre in Surrey carries a wide assortment of bulk materials and landscape products like soil, mulch, lava rock, gravel and manure. The majority of items listed on this page are available by the tractor scoop or bag it yourself in our supplied bags.

We sell top quality brand bagged soils, manures and bulk landscape products by the tractor scoop and also bulk landscape rock by the pound. These products contain no wood chip fillers and provide a nutrient rich base for growing colourful, healthy plants.

We also carry large bales of soil and peat for larger projects. Or select a product from our bulk bins. Our bulk bins offer a range of soils, manures, and rocks which we sell by the bag (we provide the 2 cu. ft. bag) or by the tractor scoop which we will dump into your truck or trailer (approx 25 cu. ft. per scoop).

Please note we do NOT offer half tractor scoops. We offer Full Scoops Only for Bulk Landscape Products.

Black Bark Mulch for covering or mixing into heavy...
Attractive and ideal for decorative applications a...
Great for drainage and decorative purposes....
Rich, black and heavy. Great for top dressing....
Mushroom manure to sweeten and rejuvenate soil....
Rock/sand mix for use as a base, foundation or pat...
1/3 Rich soil 1/3 Sand for drainage 1/3 Manure for...
Bark mulch with an attractive reddish colour. Keep...
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