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Art Knapp
So Much More Than Plants
Art Knapp

Art Knapp Articles

July is the Best Time to Start Your Fall Crop in Surrey BC

in Informational

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Gardening, specifically having a vegetable Garden in Surrey, is both a therapeutic and practical hobby. Nothing tastes better than crops that you have grown and picked fresh from your own garden. While many vegetables should be planted in early to late May for a bountiful summer harvest, there are many Fall crops which do best when planted in July. Here are a list of vegetable plants in Surrey that do best when planted in July.

Winter Salad Greens

There are a number of leafy greens which excel when planted in July and harvested in the Fall or even the Winter. This winter salad mix includes things like lettuce, spinach, arugula, bok choi, chicories, mache and mustards. These leafy greens are slow growing due to less light available, and are excellent when harvested as smaller, baby crops.

Broccoli and Brussel Sprouts

Everyone’s favourite green vegetables, broccoli and Brussel Sprouts, do very well being planted even as late as July and harvested in the late fall or even winter months. Certain varieties of broccoli such as sprouting broccoli provide continuous shoots well throughout winter. Brussel Sprouts even become sweeter as a result of frost.


Carrots are another vegetable that are excellent July planters. They are easy to sow, and continue to grow well into October. You can pick them well into the fall as needed.

Well certain vegetables do better when planted early, there are some excellent options for things that you can continue to plant well into July and benefit from into the Fall and Winter months. Make sure you add these favourites to your Surrey vegetable garden this July. 

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