Art Knapp Articles
A Schedule for Watering Your Garden
in Tips and TutorialsIt is a good idea to have a schedule for watering your garden, but what that schedule should be will depend on several factors including what is planted, where it is planted, and what the weather is. In today’s blog article, we will give you some guidelines for a watering schedule. The following recommendations are for plantings in full sun. If your plants are in part sun or shade, then you can likely water somewhat less than we suggest.
In general, it is better to water in the morning, even while it’s still dark. Some jurisdictions also have watering restrictions, so be sure to obey those regulations if they apply to you. Also, it is much better to water deeply less often than water less deeply more often.
Grass probably needs watering once or twice per week to stay green all summer. If it rains a lot, you can skip a watering.
Most mature trees do not need to be watered unless there is some special weather phenomenon like a heat dome. Young trees and newly transplanted trees will need to be watered regularly, like once per week, for their first couple of years. For trees, a rule of thumb is to water at the base in a spray with the hose wide open for 1 minute per inch of trunk diameter. Fruit trees should be watered once a week in the hottest part of the summer for the best crop. Occasionally, a sensitive tree like a Katsura will need to be watered even when mature or it will drop its leaves when it’s thirsty.
Vegetable Garden
A vegetable garden may need to be watered every day, but it depends on how densely planted things are, what is planted, and the weather. Tomatoes probably needs daily watering. Also, raised beds or pots would need daily watering because the soil will be depleted faster than anything planted in the ground.
Small containers probably need watering every day in the hottest part of the summer and larger containers, every other day. Also, keep in mind that unglazed clay pots lose water faster than glazed or plastic pots.
If you have questions about your plants or watering schedule, you can always stop by our flagship store in Surrey, and we will be happy to answer questions.
Art Knapp has 15 locations across British Columbia and is well known as the go-to garden centre for everything garden-related. Art Knapp, himself, began the business in the 1940's, and now, 80 years later, you can find more than he ever dreamed of in our stores. Come and see us on King George Boulevard in Surrey.
If you have any questions about this article or want to talk to us about gardening, just give us a call at (604) 596-9201.