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Multiple words entered will return results for any matches of any of the words. ie: red car - will return matches for red car, red, and car.
Exact Match
Use double quotation marks (") around search terms and multiple words to search for an exact phrase match. ie: "red car" - Only "red car" matches will be returned (not red or car).
Partial Word
Use the asterisk (*) to create a wildcard at the end of a search term if your word is incomplete. ie: comp* - will return matches for complex, computer, and any word beginning with the letters "comp".
garden spot
So Much More Than Plants
garden spot
Oops, we could not find that item. Here is our complete product line instead.
3"-8" round river rock....
Mix of loose gravel and sand....
A mix of 50% composted manure and 50% sand with no...
Local, ready to use sand great for sandboxes....
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